3 Time Management “Rules” You Should Break!

3 Time Management “Rules” You Should Break!

If there’s anyone in this world who understands the need for good time management, it’s a solopreneur. Solopreneurs are doing every job in their business, all at the same time! Just keeping track of all those tasks is challenging, but actually doing them is another story entirely.

That’s why just about everything you read these days includes tips for getting things done. Surprisingly, though, some of the most common rules don’t work very well for most people. Maybe it’s time to break them! How have these following rules worked for you?

1.  Plan your day the night before
That sounds like you’re planning ahead; however, the night before is way too late to identify potential problems. The project that’s due on Monday? Sunday evening is no time to realize you need more information before you can complete it! You should have started on that thing weeks ago.

2.  Complete three high-priority tasks every day
If only our work would be distributed so evenly! To the contrary, some days are light; others are heavy. And when you’re managing a business single-handedly, unexpected issues always pop up. So you may end up having to change plans at the last minute, or working until all hours, or realizing some things can’t get done at all. Undone tasks spilling over from one day to the next is stress you don’t need. If you couldn’t get yesterday’s three tasks done, what now? Just forget about them? Complete six tasks today?

3.  Keep a to-do list
Everybody has them, but deep down we know they don’t work! If they did, you wouldn’t have items on your list right now that have been there for weeks (or maybe longer). For that very reason, to-do lists are quickly outdated. They’re also too long – way too many things to ever complete! Plus, there’s nothing to alert you to how much time each task will take. But worst of all, your to-do list is mostly an afterthought, only consulted when you run out of things that need to be done right now. How often does that happen?

So what’s the answer? Action Scheduling.TM  

Scheduling actions into your calendar instead of just writing tasks on a to-do list ensures they’ll actually get done! Instead of just adding to a never-ending “when I have a minute” list, immediately choose a specific date and time when you commit to take action. Let’s face it, writing something on a list doesn’t get it done. The only way that’s going to happen is for you to set aside time to do it. It’s just that simple. Here’s how to get started:

First, enter all your current and recurring appointments and commitments into your calendar. It’s important to use only one calendar for both your business and personal schedules. Otherwise, you’re guaranteed to eventually miss something or double-book yourself.

Then, as new tasks presents themselves, immediately make appointments with yourself to do them.

  1. Take note of whatever deadlines or due dates must be met.
  2. Break complex tasks into individual steps if need be.
  3. Estimate how long each step will take.
  4. Find an open slot, or slots, in your calendar that fit the time and deadline requirements.
  5. Block those times and schedule the action you will take.
  6. When the time comes, just do it! Don’t give yourself permission to put it off just because you’re not in the mood.

Why Action Scheduling works

  1. You don’t have to figure out each morning what you should do. Or spend time the night before. Your days automatically schedule themselves. You don’t have to consult and re-prioritize a to-do list over and over throughout the day.
  2. You know you won’t forget something important because every task is already in your calendar. You can reschedule tasks if necessary, but nothing will get lost or overlooked.
  3. You won’t feel overwhelmed by seeing that long list and feeling you should be doing it all right NOW. You know you’ve got all your tasks accounted for somewhere in your calendar. That means once you’ve completed everything on the schedule for a particular day, you can give yourself permission to relax without guilt, knowing you’re on track. OR if you’re on a roll, you can look ahead to see if there’s something you want to do now to free up a bit of time later!
  4. The other side of that coin is you won’t over-schedule yourself. It will become obvious when your day is full. After that, just say no.
  5. If your schedule unexpectedly changes, you can always move tasks to another day without losing track of them. If you find you’re repeatedly rescheduling certain things, think about whether you need to do them at all. If not, delete them!

Don’t be afraid to break the old rules and make your own! Imagine waking up every day feeling in control of your tasks and your time. With Action Scheduling you’ll get much more done with much less stress!

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Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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