Managing the avalanche of daily emails is the #1 complaint I hear. But email is here to stay, so when you’re working solo, you need a strategy to deal with it.
Besides that, online marketers send us free information, much of which we’re actually interested in, so it’s hard to ignore them or make ourselves unsubscribe. We have a fear of missing out.
As a result, email has become an addiction. It can take hours to wade through our inbox each day, but there doesn’t seem to be any choice. Email seduces us through the promise of something new. It disrupts our plans, interrupts our work, yet we can’t ignore it. Often, email is also a way to escape something that’s tiresome or difficult that we should be doing. However, we simply cannot let email take over our whole day!
Email is the universal annoyance everyone loves to hate.
Don’t lose your mind over email!
Depending on your problems, and what will work for you, they might include: