Step Up Your Output!

According to the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, 53% of small business owners say the most difficult aspect of owning and managing a small business is not having enough time to get everything done. Every single one of my clients would agree. If there’s one skill that’s critical to business success, it’s good time management.

Actually, what’s called “time management” should more accurately be called “workload management.” You need to fit your workload into the amount of time you have. Some people think that means doing everything more quickly, but that’s not it. That would just get you nowhere faster! Real time management is about doing the right things without wasting time.

So, how much time do we waste? When we’re “off the clock,” the average American watches 28 hours of television per week! What does that tell you?

Even when we’re working, 80% of the average workday is spent on things that have little value. Only 20% is spent on important activities. This is important to know, since effective time management governs not only how we do things, but what we choose to do in the first place.

There are a million ways to improve time management. I guarantee I’ll introduce you to techniques you haven’t tried yet!

Get more done in less time!

Step Up Your Output™ Solution Sessions show strategies you can use to become smarter about both what you do and how you do it. Depending on your situation, and what techniques you may have already tried, they could include:

  • Better ways to get things done than using a to-do list
  • Distinguishing between urgent and important matters
  • Technology tips that will save you time
  • Ways to create a time budget (3 different approaches!)
  • How to get better at estimating how long tasks will take
  • What causes procrastination, and how you can conquer it
  • How to keep distractions and interruptions from taking over your day
  • Why you need to stop being a perfectionist
  • How to outsource tasks that keep you from doing what’s important
  • Planning long-term projects so they’re completed on time
  • Mind tricks you can use to motivate yourself to stay focused

Don’t waste another minute.

Set up a no-obligation phone call to talk about boosting your productivity! Solutions Sessions start at $247, with discounts of up to 20% for multiple sessions.