Special Offer!

Feeling Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List?

To-do lists simply don’t work to get things done. Shift your focus from listing tasks to doing them. Deflect feelings of overwhelm, reduce the temptation to procrastinate, and prevent stress from habitual over-scheduling. Like most people, you probably make a list of what you plan to do each day. Just about everyone uses lists of one sort or another to capture miscellaneous bits and pieces they want to remember. So using a to-do list to capture tasks you want to remember seems logical. Yet, most people are not able to get through their to-do list every day.


 In Escape the To-Do List Trap, I share the surprising reasons why to-do lists don’t work to get things done. If they did, nobody would be haunted by a backlog of undone tasks! I introduce instead a simple alternative that does work because it switches the focus from listing tasks to doing them. 

What a perfect gift for yourself and your to-do list overwhelmed friends! This shift in mindset will help you transform the intimidating chore of planning your time and tasks into a process you can see and understand. 

Special Offer:

3 copies for $20

1 copy for yourself and 2 for your friends!


Offer Expires May 31st, 2019