Managing Email

Managing the avalanche of daily emails is the #1 complaint of office workers these days. If you’re working solo, you need to deal with email because there’s no one to delegate messages to—you’re it! I asked the question “What is your best tip for managing...

Silence Email Signals

Here are more tips on how to take back control of your time… Turn off the “new mail” alert on your computer. Better yet, completely avoid email distraction by keeping your email program closed except during those times you have scheduled yourself to process it....

Prevail Over Email

While email is clearly an essential tool in business today, unscrupulous marketers have made it an annoyance by filling our inboxes with spam. In addition, well-meaning friends who aren’t as busy as we are send us bits of useless information, stale jokes and links to...

More Tips to Conquer Computer Filing

As a follow up to my previous post, I wanted to give you more tips that will save you time and trouble when dealing with your computer files. So much of our work is done on computer these days that it’s worth a bit of effort to keep your systems organized and...

Tips to Conquer Computer Filing

If you don’t keep your computer files organized, you’ll waste time you likely can’t spare searching for your documents. A search tool like Google Desktop ( can help you find lost computer documents. This handy little program searches your own hard...