SwiftFile® Tickler File System

The ONE AND ONLY way to clean off your desk and keep it that way!


Most of us have papers on our desks reminding us of all those little things we need to take care of. That form that needs to be filled out and sent back. The note about the call you need to make when your client gets back from vacation. The reservation for that seminar. The invoice you need to pay. What to do with all these papers you don’t want to lose track of but can’t deal with right now?


The perfect solution is a tickler file! This elegantly simple invention is a system that holds your papers until you need them, then delivers them to you, right when you want them.

A tickler system is composed of 43 folders or file sections, labeled 1-31 for each day of the current month, and January-December for the whole year. As you accumulate papers that you don’t need to act on immediately, you place them into the section for the day of the current month, or the future month, that you will act on them. Each day, you remove the papers in that day’s folder or section and take care of what’s needed. At the end of each month, you take the papers from the next month and distribute them into folders 1-31 of the current month – once again on the days you decide you’ll work with them.

Now all those papers cluttering up your desk have a logical home to wait until it’s their turn to get your attention. Invoices, bills, airline tickets, hotel reservations, meeting information, reminders of any kind – you’ll always know right where they are and they won’t be forgotten!

You can purchase a compact, book-style version of a tickler file at most supply stores or make your own tickler file by labeling hanging files or folders as described above.

Or you can choose a ready-made system of the highest-quality, recommended by Barbara Hemphill, one of the country’s leading organizational experts and productivity consultants.

The SwiftFile® tickler file system contains 31 custom-designed folders for each day of the month and 12 folders for each month of the year. Each Daily folder is always visible – never hidden behind another folder. The Monthly folders are taller than the Daily folders so these too are always clearly in view. The folders are made of heavy-duty stock with reinforced tabs to give you years of service and keep that desk cleaned off!

Find out more about the SwiftFile system at


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