Why Gratitude is Important for Your Business

Why Gratitude is Important for Your Business

The Solopreneur Specialist Newsletter

We have just 40 days left in 2018. How was this year for YOUR business?

In the past I’ve written about the need for regular reflection to ensure our businesses are progressing, building on strengths and changing what needs to be changed. It can tempting to just identify and focus on what we we haven’t accomplished and feel down on ourselves if we haven’t grown as much as we would like or haven’t achieved other important goals.

In reality, you probably have achieved much more than you think!

While it’s important to recognize areas that need improvement for continued growth, we also need to acknowledge what has gone well, especially as a result of hard work. Doing so gives us a regular boost in how we feel about our businesses. Research suggests business owners who practice regular gratitude in this way tend to report greater levels of happiness, health, and well-being, and as a result, exhibit greater levels of efficiency and productivity.

So if you’re not already in the practice of gratitude, I’d like to ask you a few questions to help you get started:

  1. Looking back at your year, what has gone well?
  2. Who has helped you this year in your business? What was the result?
  3. Whose business did YOU help this year? What were the things that you did and how did this help?
  4. What new connections were made that will have a lasting-impact?
  5. What were some unexpected surprises that ultimately lead to growth?
  6. Can you think of an example of how your hard work really paid off at some point during the year?
  7. Reflect on the story of your solopreneur journey: what were the crises in your business that eventually led to growth and perhaps even victories? What are your current opportunities for growth?

And lastly, since we’ve acknowledged how important gratitude can be for your business, what can you do to make this practice a daily part of your routine?

Interested in reflecting with someone on 2018 and creating a plan for 2019? Give me a call and we can get to work!

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